By Riverhead LOCAL Mar 7, 2019, 6:35 am

Spring is almost here and local community gardens are looking for gardeners.
No experience? No problem. Each garden has the resources to help you get started and have a successful season. If you enjoy being outdoors, planting, and reaping the rewards, then community gardening might be for you. Of course, experienced gardeners are also welcome. We look forward to your expertise and sharing knowledge.
There are three gardens in our area with open beds for the 2019 season. They are: River and Roots Community Garden in downtown Riverhead, The Community Garden at Hallockville Museum Farm and the Flanders Community Garden.
River and Roots Community Garden is in its eighth season. Located along the Peconic River and Grangabel Park, the garden has 4 X 10 foot beds that rent for $25 per season. There are also communal herb beds and berry plants. All beds are equipped with irrigation. Garden applications and more information can be obtained by emailing riverandrootscg@gmail.com or call Amy at 631-384-6764.
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